Sunday, 13 November 2011


I recently finished all of the novels on my book club's list (and then some).  When we were in Europe, my friend S was reading "Forgotten God" by Francis Chan and so upon completion of my current reads, I asked S if I could borrow both "Forgotten God" and "Crazy Love".

I started with "Crazy Love" because I think it was written first.  The tagline for the novel (if novels have taglines) is: overwhelmed by a relentless God.  This was written for Christians who want more than what they are currently getting in the church our society provides.  In the foreword Chan says this book is for people who don't want to plateau.  Hey - wait a minute... I don't want to plateau!

In the first chapter Chan mentions attending his high school reunion where all of his old friends were amazed by his wife.  Apparently he's the one who married "up" in their relationship (there's always one).  His friends couldn't believe Chan ended up with someone so beautiful.  Although he was attracted to his wife and thought she was stunning when they were dating, some of her beauty had been lost to him because they have been married for years.  When you see someone every day it's hard to be in constant awe of them.

Sometimes when we have been a Christian for a long time, we can get in a similar rut with God.  We know God is awesome (the book makes note especially of God being holy, eternal, all-knowing, and all-powerful) but as we go through the motions of our daily lives, read the Bible as we do every day, attend church like we have our whole lives...sometimes we forget just how awesome He really is.

Stop and think about it.  Really think about it.  God made everything - from the moons of Jupiter to the neurons of your brain (which I can attest are extremely complicated).  And He is eternal.  Eternal.  That means He has always been.  What's up with that?!  When you really stop and contemplate what it means to be eternal...we just can't comprehend.

Today why not stop what you're doing and ponder God and His creation.  Marvel.  That's what I'm doing.

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