Monday, 1 December 2014


Happy December first, everyone!

This year we vowed to finish our Christmas shopping before December and we were successful! November 30th we bought the last item on our list. Last year we were so busy fighting crowds at the mall that we weren't able to relax and truly enjoy the Christmas season and everything it's actually about (and yes I'm talking about Jesus). I breathed a sigh of relief knowing we can snuggle in for all of December, watch Christmas movies, enjoy the tree and each others company (on the rare occasion we get to be together), and of course turn on the Christmas tunes.

When December first hits I am in full blown "Merriest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap danced with Danny Kaye" Christmas spirit. Who am I kidding? I start listening to my Christmas Playlist November first. However, for those of you who don't find your Christmas spirit until December first, I put together a little playlist of five of my favourite non-traditional Christmas songs. The Matt Anderson "Spirit of Christmas" album and Amy Grant "Home for Christmas" are perfect. And the thing I like about Dolly - she doesn't just sing about the good times. She's had some hard candy Christmases. ;)


  1. cute post.. happy holidays! xxo
