Today is Canadian Thanksgiving and in the spirit of being thankful I wanted to share some of my thoughts on the subject.
The last year has been a fairly difficult one in a few ways - living a long distance marriage again and losing two loved ones. Lucky for me working in Medicine I am constantly surrounded by people who "have it worse" and it keeps life in perspective. Absolutely no matter what you are going through things could always be worse and I have that reminder almost daily.
Over the last six months I have started to catch myself when I find myself complaining and instead I thank God.
"I'm so tired" instead becomes "I am so thankful I have a job to go to every day."
"I miss Hubby and Leroy" instead becomes "I am so thankful I have two people in my life to miss."
"We waste so much money on gas driving back and forth" instead becomes "Thank you, God, that we have a car and the money to pay for gas."
I have the tendency to be a little bit on the pessimistic side of things - although I consider it being a realist - and this has really been helping me. If you're like me and sometimes forget to count your blessings, I hope you take this as encouragement to do so.
Top photo taken in Bern, Switzerland. Bottom photo taken in Lucerne, Switzerland - atop Mt Pilatus. Summer 2014.