Saturday, 31 October 2015


You're probably not surprised to hear I love Halloween. Even though I'm a "grown up" with no kids I absolutely love picking out a family costume and dressing up to pass out candy. I grew up in the country and no one came trick or treating to our house. On November first I would always wake up and ask my parents how many kids stopped at our house and I was always so disappointed. Now that we live in a neighbourhood in the city we get between sixty five and ninety trick or treaters and it is just so exciting.

Last year's Inspector Gadget costume was fairly difficult to make so I wanted something simple this year. My boys are good sports when it comes to Halloween. They don't put up too much of a fight when I dress them up. I had to be a little creative to incorporate Leroy into the theme this year.

The moment we've all been waiting for... Halloween costumes 2015... Dirty Dancing!!

This is Leroy. He's a watermelon.

This is me and Leroy. "I carried a watermelon."

Have fun tonight! Leroy wants everyone to stay safe. :)

Tuesday, 27 October 2015


You know it. You love it. I get it. It's a classic.

When I made this collage all I could imagine was the scene with Ferris dancing in the parade to Twist and Shout. Maybe it's just us but we quote this movie fairly regularly. Mostly, "Bueller.....Bueller....."

This might take some extra effort (unless you happen to already own a fringe suede/leather jacket, or a men's leather sweater vest). Otherwise they're fairly easy costumes. His: white tshirt, gray dress pants (preferrably with front crease), white shoes, Ray Ban Wayfarers. Hers: blue sweater, beige or grey skirt (she actually wore floppy dress shorts in the movie but um...yeah), and tall boots.

Well, friends, this was my last Halloween idea - other than our own costumes of course. And you don't get to see that until Halloween! Stay tuned.

Monday, 19 October 2015


Hopefully you didn't notice the premature posting from a couple of nights ago. When I make these polyvore collages sometimes things go a little wonky and they're posted immediately. So if you already saw this post, here it is again - with text!

Scooby Doo was definitely a favourite childhood show. My brother and I watched a lot of it. We had a Christmas special on VHS that holds a special place in my heart. :) Dressing up as Fred and Daphne would be so cute. And if you have a doggie like us they would obviously be Scooby or Scrappy Doo. I love when the doggies are involved.

I included some real boots for Daphne because don't you remember wearing your snowsuit under your Halloween costume?! That was the worst. The end of October is always freezing (like today!) and Mom always ruined my costume by making me wear fifteen layers of clothes to stay warm. The year I was around eleven or twelve I was the chubbiest vampire ever.

The more I look at this collage the more I like it. It is definitely on my list for next year. Stay tuned later this week for another costume idea!

Friday, 16 October 2015


Usually I keep my Halloween costume ideas to myself and don't post until trick or treaters are arriving at the door. This year I thought I'd be a little more forthcoming with my ideas and hopefully provide you with some inspiration!

I would love to use this idea for costumes - The Grand Budapest Hotel. We won't be doing it this year because we would have to buy too many things but if you have a beige dress and peach sweater on hand you should totally do it. This was one of our favourite Oscar nominated movies last year and I keep meaning to watch Moonrise Kingdom which had the same director.

To be Agatha you have to do a fancy braid on top of your head including a piece of wheat or grain, and the brown lipstick is to draw a "birthmark" the shape of Mexico on your cheek! Zero's costume is fairly simple. You'll probably have to buy a purple blazer but the pill box hat would be easy enough to make. And the liquid eyeliner is to draw in a thin moustache. I thought Zero was the most adorable character.

There you go!

Monday, 12 October 2015


Today is Canadian Thanksgiving and in the spirit of being thankful I wanted to share some of my thoughts on the subject.

The last year has been a fairly difficult one in a few ways - living a long distance marriage again and losing two loved ones. Lucky for me working in Medicine I am constantly surrounded by people who "have it worse" and it keeps life in perspective. Absolutely no matter what you are going through things could always be worse and I have that reminder almost daily.

Over the last six months I have started to catch myself when I find myself complaining and instead I thank God.

"I'm so tired" instead becomes "I am so thankful I have a job to go to every day."

"I miss Hubby and Leroy" instead becomes "I am so thankful I have two people in my life to miss."

"We waste so much money on gas driving back and forth" instead becomes "Thank you, God, that we have a car and the money to pay for gas."

I have the tendency to be a little bit on the pessimistic side of things - although I consider it being a realist - and this has really been helping me. If you're like me and sometimes forget to count your blessings, I hope you take this as encouragement to do so.

Top photo taken in Bern, Switzerland. Bottom photo taken in Lucerne, Switzerland - atop Mt Pilatus. Summer 2014.