Saturday, 31 October 2015


You're probably not surprised to hear I love Halloween. Even though I'm a "grown up" with no kids I absolutely love picking out a family costume and dressing up to pass out candy. I grew up in the country and no one came trick or treating to our house. On November first I would always wake up and ask my parents how many kids stopped at our house and I was always so disappointed. Now that we live in a neighbourhood in the city we get between sixty five and ninety trick or treaters and it is just so exciting.

Last year's Inspector Gadget costume was fairly difficult to make so I wanted something simple this year. My boys are good sports when it comes to Halloween. They don't put up too much of a fight when I dress them up. I had to be a little creative to incorporate Leroy into the theme this year.

The moment we've all been waiting for... Halloween costumes 2015... Dirty Dancing!!

This is Leroy. He's a watermelon.

This is me and Leroy. "I carried a watermelon."

Have fun tonight! Leroy wants everyone to stay safe. :)


  1. Leroy has the most gorgeous eyes! xx


    1. Aw thanks, Ashleigh. He is just the sweetest.
