Thursday, 18 February 2016


Last month we had our first annual winter weekend getaway. Destination: Sunday River, Maine.

Sunday River is a ski resort and we stayed in a nearby town called Bethel. First of all, hubs and I are not snow birds (I have been "south" only once and it was with a Service Learning group in university. We went to Belize. It was May) and also...I don't ski. HA! Lucky for me, my friend J doesn't really ski either. So while our husbands hit the slopes for an afternoon, J and I went snowshoeing, read, napped, and had a tv marathon. It was a weekend full of doing a glorious amount of nothing in particular. And I highly recommend it.

When we travel we are going places, seeing things, exploring another part of the world. It's fantastic and that is how I like to vacation. However, a quick, inexpensive (split between two couples our accommodations were very affordable), relaxing weekend after Christmas when there isn't much to look forward to for a few months... I will be doing this again.

On another note, our "cabin" was fantastic. It was fairly isolated on a small lake, surrounded by trees. The bedroom hubby and I stayed in (above) has ruined all other naps for me. It is the thing dreams are made of. Waking up from my afternoon nap to see the snow covered trees outside my window? It has given me very unattainable and specific #housegoals. If #housegoals is a thing.

And you just can't beat making memories with friends. The way our guys like to rehash old stories we will be talking about this weekend for years to come.

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