Tuesday, 18 March 2014


A new (to us) piece of furniture joined our ranks last night.  This is why you cruise your Kijiji equivalent regularly.  I often go weeks (or even months) without finding what I'm looking for, but when it does appear, it is often my vision come to life.  You can find items with lots of character and charm for a good deal.  I found this cute little chair a week or so ago and was able to go have a look at it last night. 

Don't worry, it won't be dusty pink for long.  I would like to find a quilted ivory or cream fabric, although that might be kind of specific to find at Fabricville.  I'm also thinking of ditching the tufting.  I like tufting on certain things but I wonder if this chair would look better without it.

My original plan was to use this as a desk chair in our (slowly) re-vamped spare room.  Maybe it will still go there, but now I could also take it to my apartment for the next couple of years since I currently don't have any apartment furniture.  We'll see!  I'm excited to find some fabric and make this little guy beautiful!


  1. Love this chair Amy! Can't wait to see the "after" pics!

  2. Thanks, Lynn! I can't either!
