You may already know from facebook we had some unpleasant news last week. March 5 was "Match Day", or the day Canadian medical students find out the results from CaRMS - the Canadian Residency Match Service - or something along those lines. To give you some background, after we interview for residency programs we "rank" these programs, or submit a list in order of where we would like to do residency. All the schools across Canada also submit a rank list, theirs of the students (in order) they would like to have in their program. The magical (flawed? frustrating?) computer program then matches you with your top available choice based on the spots that are already filled with applicants who ranked above you.
We had hoped to stay exactly where we are. We have lived here for four years now, have a home, a church, volunteer weekly at youth group, and I feel like after four years I finally made a couple of friends here...things are good. It's the first time in our relationship we've actually been able to live together, even. (We spent all our dating relationship and first two years of marriage apart - count 'em - that's four years long distance already. We put in our time.) I guess we felt rewarded for our time apart in being able to live together for the past four years. Heaven forbid married people actually be able to spend time together.
So, needless to say, we were disappointed (understatement of the year) to find out I will be moving (alone) an hour and a half away for two more years of long distance marriage. Modern marriage? (Not to mention doubling our cost of living.) Just call me Amy Two Two. And for the love of Canadian authors, I hope you got that reference.
This is less than ideal. Far less. I threw myself a little pity party for a few days and thankfully have climbed out of the hole I was living in at the end of last week. (And as a little side note, I might do a post at another time of why I hate "silver linings" sentiments when I'm upset. Just part of my weirdness, perhaps.)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "Plans to help you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
I believe this verse with my whole heart. It has always been one of my favourites and there have been other times in my life when I have relied on it. And after a few days of feeling sorry for myself, I knew it was time to put on my "big girl panties" and lean on God. This is His plan for me. I don't understand it, but I don't have to. I have faith it is a plan to help me and not to harm me. If you want to hear God laugh tell him your plans, right?
The photo I'll share with you today is from Match Day, which unluckily also happened to be hubby's birthday. Ironic? I made him a carrot cake as per his request and covered it with ombre shortbread cookies. (He loved it because it was two desserts in one.)
To all of my classmates who have residency placements they are happy with - congratulations, I am very pleased for you. And to those who are not happy with residency placements - I get it, and just know that somehow, for some reason, it's part of God's plan for you for hope and a future. Someday hopefully it will all be clear!
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