Tuesday 18 June 2013


I have been studying my buns off the last few weeks (and always, let's be serious).  My internal medicine exam - otherwise known as "study everything that could ever go wrong in the human body yes that's right every single thing" - is Saturday.  Last weekend a few of us got together for a study sesh potluck.  A meeting of the minds, as they say.

I brought salad.

Making the salad?  My study break.  I steamed some brussel sprouts and then browned them in a pan with some butter for colour.  I toasted some pine nuts that have been up in the cupboard since last summer.  I sprinkled on some feta... I went all out, folks.  It was one heck of a salad in the midst of a boring study session.  I kid.

There was also the ususal - lettuce, mushrooms, other veggies I can't remember at this moment because "everything that could ever go wrong with the human body ever" is about to fall out of my brain.  My attention span is currently about 1.5 seconds and I have no room to even remember my own phone number until Saturday afternoon.  Ugh.

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